
Monday, January 26, 2015

Pets and Poisonous Plants

Time and again, dogs and cats are rushed to the veterinarian's office after ingesting a poisonous plant. We can't always keep our pets 100% safe, but it is certainly worthwhile to know the plants which are the worst offenders and then, keep them out of the yard!

Many common garden plants that are toxic to dogs, cats and other animals. Some are more potent than others, and it often depends on how much is ingested. Symptoms can range from irritation of the mouth to lethargy, vomiting, diarrhea, convulsions and even death.

Here is a list of some of the more common toxic plants: Azaleas and rhododendrons, cycads, cyclamen, daylily, foxglove, heavenly bamboo, lily, and Yews. 

For a more comprehensive list and more information, go to the ASPCA’s Poison Control Center at

Attention Big Island Residents: I will be teaching a class, Vegetables in the Home Garden, on Saturday, February 21, 9:30AM -12:30PM at UH-Hilo Campus. Call 974-7664 to register; there is a fee.