Some areas of the world receive
plenty of rainfall. When there’s too
much rain, the following ill-effects on plants may be observed.
1. A general yellowing. a.) This can be due to the soil remaining
wet for a long period of time thus excluding soil oxygen. In this anaerobic
condition, plants will yellow. b) Likewise, the profusion of rain is washing
the soil nitrogen below the root zone, and plants become nitrogen deficient,
causing yellowing.
2. More fungal leafspot diseases (most
notably tomatoes ). Disease causing spores land on the surface of a leaf, germinate and infect the leaf. In
a short time thousands of spores are produced. When a rain droplet or water
from irrigation lands on the leaf, these newly produced spores will be
splattered to other areas of the leaf and to nearby leaves. They in turn
germinate and infect these new areas. Thus, more rain, more splashing, more
spreading of the spores and more disease.
3. Problems with corn.
If the abundance
of rain occurs during corn pollination, the ears of corn may lack a full
complement of kernels. This is due to a lack of pollination because the wind-born pollen is washed away. Low pollination
is also caused by improper planting densities. Do not plant one or a few
individual seedlings, or even a single row. Plant a minimum of 4 rows, 8ft
long. For more on growing corn: search corn in the blog search.
Tips for Picking Corn
Mark the calendar the day the corn was planted. In Hawaii, sweet corn is
harvested 7O-85 days after planting.
Corn is ready when the silks begin drying and turning brown.
Record the date at which half of the plants show the silks emerging from
the new ears. Under warm summer conditions, the corn will be ready about 18
days later.
Perhaps the easiest clue is to pull the green husk back from the cob and
check the appearance of the corn kernels. If the corn looks ready, it’s time to pick.